Comments on: Aligning business with IT creates better workplaces. We'll Help You Start Your Business Analyst Career Wed, 01 Apr 2009 03:18:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: OnerousEthic Wed, 01 Apr 2009 03:18:04 +0000 It has taken ages for top management to understand software as a strategic asset. IMHO, They tend to focus on increasing revenues rather than reducing costs. So increasing productivity has always taken a back seat to sales and marketing, both in mindshare and funding. YMMV.

Another problem is ego. Everyone wants to be the hero, and no manager, top, middle, or other, wants some upstart individual contributor and/or IT department to take the spotlight. The decision makers don’t have the time to understand the problems, and the analysts don’t have the power to make the decisions. But everyone has the power to be obstructionist and resist change (please don’t attibute that to me).
