Comments on: How to Define Scope in an Epic We'll Help You Start Your Business Analyst Career Thu, 16 May 2013 03:57:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Melissa Thu, 16 May 2013 03:57:01 +0000 I really love these articles. I’ve been a BA for about 15 years in the IT field, but I’ve never had any formal training. I’ve been thinking about how to get better at what I do, but I never see any courses at the traditional colleges around me, so I’m glad to find these pieces that you’ve done. Even with experience, I find that hearing your (and others’) experiences and ideas are so very helpful to me. Sometimes I forget the basics and I can get overwhelmed when a task blossoms into a larger project, and this has helped me specifically with a current set of projects I’m working on. I signed up for your newsletter and look forward to going through the rest of your resources here. Thanks a million!

By: Christina Wed, 20 Feb 2013 12:56:23 +0000 This is great. Thank you for sharing!

By: Confluence: ENERGY STAR PM Redesign Wed, 02 Mar 2011 16:12:09 +0000 Storymap…

The Storymap is part of the PMR:Storymap & Roadmap. \\ \\ The Storymap Pages Information about the Storymap is discussed on the PMR:Storymap & Roadmap page…….

By: Confluence: ENERGY STAR PM Redesign Tue, 01 Mar 2011 22:21:05 +0000 Epics…

Epics are basically HUGE stories PMR:Components, Epics & Stories… Oh My! (Requirements Hierarchy) which help us to understand the major tasks that people perform using our product…….

By: Anish Cheriyan Sun, 07 Mar 2010 00:27:04 +0000 Hi Laura,
Thanks for the article. It is quite good from the Epic perspective.
Some of the aspects which I feel the Agile Community needs to further work is how story card can be sliced vertically well in respective domain. I feel we need to address this from a domain perspective like application domain, emedded system domain, protocol based development etc.


Because based on this the detailing of the story card may change.
