Comments on: How to a Use a Stakeholder Request List to Facilitate Scope Definition We'll Help You Start Your Business Analyst Career Wed, 04 Nov 2009 15:29:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Laura (Brandau) Brandenburg Wed, 04 Nov 2009 15:29:00 +0000 Thanks, Linda! The attributes I am referring to are in the bulleted list starting with “Strategic Fit”. What I mean is that you should customize how you present your list of requests to fit how decisions will be made about the project.

By: Linda Bogie Wed, 04 Nov 2009 14:57:11 +0000 Laura, your structured stakeholder requests list is a fantastic suggestion for defining scope and fleshing out requirements. Using the list as a stakeholder feedback tool to help validate and finalize high level requirements, and ultimately to control scope creep, is brilliant.

I am not sure that I understand exactly what “attribute” you are referring to in the following paragraph. Can you please explain.

“As you flesh out your requests, feel free to add or remove from this list. I rarely use all of the above attributes and I often find myself using an attribute I’ve never used before to meet the needs of a specific situation.”

Thanks lots for another very insightful article!
