Comments on: Being an Independent Business Analyst Consultant We'll Help You Start Your Business Analyst Career Wed, 01 Nov 2023 21:03:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Akarsh MG Wed, 03 Nov 2010 04:05:02 +0000 Hi Laura- Agree with you not every BA role is a consultant role 🙂 also great comments on higher-value engagement. Thanks a lot.


By: Laura Brandenburg Tue, 02 Nov 2010 13:24:40 +0000 Hi Akarsh, I would agree 100% that business analyst work can be consulting work, but not every BA role is a consultant role. Domain knowledge and providing the solution approach can be ways to consult within business analysis. But so can expert facilitation skills (helping the stakeholders realize and act on ideas they would not have without your facilitation). To me, consulting is about working in a shorter-term, higher-value engagement and often this means that you are bringing expertise that the organization does not have internally.

By: Akarsh MG Tue, 02 Nov 2010 05:18:18 +0000 @Laura – Great article on Business Analyst Consultant.

I would like to point out that is sometimes working as BA in a company we might end up doing a role of “BA and Consultant” together. Working as a BA with good amount of domain experience and aware of technical skills would help to create new ideas and solutions for existing stakeholders and projects itself (thus by providing end-to-end solutions; this would automatically lead to for additional revenues).
My existing work revolves around this; where i have been always able to create incremental revenues by providing creative solutions.

What’s your take on this ? Is this not a work of Business Analyst Consultant ?

Sometimes we did put forward few proposals/solutions for free for customers(wherein few worked later on for revenues and few did not)

From charging clients point of view; if Business Analyst Consultant with lesser years of experience does not know how to calculate this i think better interact with people like Managers in the organization before putting forward a proposal to clients.

By: Tia Peterson Wed, 20 Jan 2010 05:11:07 +0000 Thanks for pointing me to this, Laura. It certainly helps! I’m taking the networking with people I already know approach, as they are familiar with my skills and personality.

Also thanks for opening discussions on how to charge. I have been wondering about that. I have worked as a contractor in the past. I was assuming that charging would be structured the same way – but perhaps not? Looks like there is some research to do!

By: Suganthi Mon, 11 Jan 2010 03:46:39 +0000 Hi guys,
Read all ur comments, since i am a novice in this i don know how to comment on this.
But wanno thank this blog, which makes me to learn things.
I have question, i am working for a financial services Co. (hedge fund), as a Financial analyst, i would like to know whether there is any certification which will go with my present work.

Thanks for any replies.
