Comments on: What were you doing a decade ago? What will you be doing a decade from now? We'll Help You Start Your Business Analyst Career Mon, 13 Jul 2020 18:25:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alex Mon, 13 Jul 2020 18:25:39 +0000 2020 I hope to achieve my goals and have my dream job in entertainment. And have a good life. With my friend’s company. In 10 years into the future.


By: DougGtheBA Sun, 03 Jan 2010 18:00:14 +0000 That is, …. looking over my shoulder…..

In ten years, I’d like to be more intimately involved in the direction of the profession from a practical point of view. I’ve started mentoring more and more in the last year. this is something that I have found that I really enjoy doing, and would like to see where that leads.

By: DougGtheBA Sun, 03 Jan 2010 17:57:13 +0000 Wow. A decade ago I was on my third month of a layoff and had gone through my savings while caring for myself and my son. I had assumed correctly right after the layoff that the likelihood of getting employed before the first of the year was low, so I started a bakery out my home for the holiday season to bring in some income. It turned out to be quite popular and I was baking, shipping and delivering locally 18 hours a day.

Lessons learned? Sure!
Always have something to fall back on, and it doesn’t have to be in the field you primarily work in. In fact, it’s sometimes advantageous if it’s not. In my situation, I was a victim of the burst.

Glad I’m where I am today, but I’m still always looking over my should.


By: Tweets that mention What were you doing a decade ago? What will you be doing a decade from now? -- Fri, 01 Jan 2010 16:11:43 +0000 […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by BA-BITS, Laura Brandenburg. Laura Brandenburg said: new blog post: reflecting on the last decade and anticipating the new one! […]
