Comments on: How to Leverage Your Business Experience to Get an IT BA Job We'll Help You Start Your Business Analyst Career Tue, 15 Feb 2011 03:51:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brandon Coppernoll Tue, 15 Feb 2011 03:51:10 +0000 My current position was leveraged by my experience in web content management, content management systems, web development and the infusion of those skills in marketing.

During my interview process I focused on how technology and marketing are becoming increasingly more and more integrated. I focused on how technology reflects business processes and the actual process to apply the solutions.

By: Laura Brandenburg Tue, 15 Feb 2011 00:04:23 +0000 </a>. Thanks for sharing you and your mentee's story Karie! It sounds like your mentee had a nearly ideal situation to become a BA...that is very close to my transition path. I became a BA based on my system and organizational knowledge and was allowed to learn BA on the first job. I think as you become a senior BA, industry experience is less of a limiting factor. I am sure there are large numbers of jobs that neither of us would qualify for based on the industry experience requirements and a relatively small number that any specific industry experience would break open for us.]]> In reply to Karie Price | Real World BA™.

Thanks for sharing you and your mentee’s story Karie! It sounds like your mentee had a nearly ideal situation to become a BA…that is very close to my transition path. I became a BA based on my system and organizational knowledge and was allowed to learn BA on the first job.

I think as you become a senior BA, industry experience is less of a limiting factor. I am sure there are large numbers of jobs that neither of us would qualify for based on the industry experience requirements and a relatively small number that any specific industry experience would break open for us.

By: Laura Brandenburg Tue, 15 Feb 2011 00:01:29 +0000 In reply to Laura Brandenburg.

100% agree Dave. Long-term I think too much industry-specific focus can actually be a career liability for a BA….but it sure does help with getting started and job search!

By: Dave Schrenk Mon, 14 Feb 2011 20:05:59 +0000 In reply to Laura Brandenburg.

Yes, SMEs do have just as much value to bring. But, you have to be careful after hiring them or else you might create a different problem. If not enough is done to develop their BA competencies, it can result in them not knowing how to go about eliciting, documenting, analyzing, verifying, validating, and / or managing requirements. While they can still add value, it becomes limited to specific types of projects.

By: Karie Price | Real World BA™ Mon, 14 Feb 2011 14:38:11 +0000 Such great inspiration for those looking to make the jump from business to IT! I am currently working with a mentee who is looking to make the jump herself. She has even received initial feedback that they would provide training for her in business analysis but her business and systems knowledge was equally (if not more) valuable.

In addition to bringing industry and system knowledge, she actually had a lot of BA skills/experience within her current and past positions that she wasn’t aware of. By helping to draw out both, she is well on her way to launching her “official” BA career.

I always struggled with this personally – as I’ve generally worked in the financial services industries, but never really for the exact same industry over time. I feel like I bring the skills and ability to learn quickly (and have thankfully had great success doing so), but yes, employers do look for industry-specific knowledge. This just goes to show that there is no “one way” to build a BA career. You can come at it from a variety of angles.
