Comments on: How Do I Avoid Appearing Meek When Starting a New Job? We'll Help You Start Your Business Analyst Career Sat, 13 Aug 2011 19:10:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Susan Sat, 13 Aug 2011 19:10:38 +0000 Hi there everyone,

I am in a similar situation as I have just secured myself what I think will be a wonderful BA job with plenty of scope for growth and learning. I also see myself as shy and quite introverted and have been worrying about the first few days, meeting new people, etc.
However feedback that I have received recently says that I always appear confident and positive. This has really surprised me as I certainly don’t feel like it – sometimes my insides feel like jelly.

By: Adriana B. Sat, 13 Aug 2011 14:07:43 +0000 @Steve: you wrote a great post in the comments area. Not fair :-).

“The business analyst has the right to challenge a solution that is flawed or doesn’t go to solving the problem. And this can be done quite politely.”

So true.

By: steve blais Sat, 13 Aug 2011 13:03:57 +0000 “Salute and march”. This is a somewhat pejorative term, even in the military from whence it originates. While on the positive side it may imply unwavering devotion to a leader and unquestioning faith in the leader’s sense of direction, the phrase has come to mean failure to think for oneself and simply following orders to stay out of trouble. The epitome of this behavior was in Paris Island in the 60s when a Drill Instructor marched his troops at night into a swamp where two recruits died. Marine Corps policy was changed after that.
“Salute and march” is the negative side of being overly polite and meek. (Excessive politeness that is not assertive leads to meekness in perception if not in actuality.) Unfortunately, much of the business, especially marketing and mid-level management, who may be more concerned with their own image, career path, and reputation, expect business analysts to accept their solution and make it happen without a need to expose the business analyst to the real business problem and let the business analyst do their job (for example coming up with a better solution). The business analyst in turn faced with a senior officer in the company (someone in other words outranking them) will “follow orders” and go get the requirements. The business analyst will do so politely and conscientiously. It all works out as long as the solution implemented is in fact the best solution. When it isn’t as so often happens the business manager blames the business analyst (and therefore so does everyone else). The business analyst may be perceived as being “meek” for simply following orders.
When the business analyst fails to do their job of communicating and analyzing because they are afraid of hurting someone’s feelings, being impolite, crossing swords with higher authority, or they are simply afraid for their jobs, the business analyst is not doing their job. (Of course there could be other psychology at play as well. For example, some good old passive aggressive stuff: “We’ll just do it their way and when it fails then they’ll see how good my solution was and they’ll be sorry!”)
The business analyst always has the right to ask questions and more questions. The business analyst always has the right to ask what the real problem is behind any proffered solution. The business analyst has the right to challenge a solution that is flawed or doesn’t go to solving the problem. And this can be done quite politely. I submit that failing to do this when the circumstances call for it might well be considered weak, ineffectual or simply “salute and march”. While this may win points with the business manager who gets his or her way without challenge, it certainly is not the best for the overall organization or for the business analyst’s peace of mind.

By: Adriana B. Sat, 13 Aug 2011 01:07:50 +0000 Michelle,

I don’t think the two things can be compared — how we behave at work and at home. Also, I don’t think people confuse politeness and manners with being meek. I know many extremely polite BAs at work who have never been called meek!

Like I said in my first reply, if you noticed that people consistently perceive you as meek when you are interviewing or starting a new project, I think it’s laudable that you recognized the pattern and is trying to change it — specially if you believe this could be affecting your ability to fit in with your new team (the comment from your manager about functional analysts being worried does seem to indicate an opportunity for improvement).

I’ve been married for a long time too, and wouldn’t trust my husband to be able to accurately describe how I am perceived at work ;-). Just my 2 cents.

By: Michelle Swoboda Sat, 13 Aug 2011 00:05:58 +0000 I was just discussing this post with my husband and he looked at me oddly and said – ‘you meek?’ and then lots of uncontrolled laugher bubbled out of him. He said ‘you are like momma grizzly’ and more laughter ensued. This was a totally different perspective – why didn’t I ask my husband first? Hmmm. We then talked about it and he thinks that the business is confusing politeness and manners with being meek. So, if this perspective has some validity – and it should after 24 years of marriage – have we lost our manners in the workplace? Or do manners not have any place in business? What do all of you think?
