Comments on: What Should I Study in College to Become a Business Analyst? We'll Help You Start Your Business Analyst Career Fri, 05 Apr 2024 14:54:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Celal Murat PARLAK Fri, 24 Feb 2012 16:24:59 +0000 Hey there,

I am an Industrial Engineer. I am quite a rookie as a BA, yet I see that my disciplines’ course stream is quite useful for a BA. As an Industrial Engineer, you are educated to design systems of machine, people by using certain logics,calculations and formulas. They also give you a lovely course named “introduction to Basic Algorithms” where you learn the basics of algorithm. You also learn basics of a coding language in that particular course. Courses like Project Management, Operations Research, Facility Planning and more helps a well since in most cases you develop the logic behind the designed software.

Thanks for the post and the blog Laura, I am an avid follower and learning a lot from it.


By: Christopher Herrmann Tue, 14 Feb 2012 01:03:11 +0000 In reply to Bob Savage.

Hi Bob, I agree wholeheartedly with your comments having studied Linguistics in my Arts degree!

By: Laura Brandenburg Mon, 13 Feb 2012 22:26:04 +0000 In reply to mike Lachapelle.

Hi Mike,
Great to find a fellow logic student amongst business analysis professionals! Thanks for sharing your thoughts here. Interesting connection between sociology and communications too – there seem to be many variants on how to learn the seeds of great communication in college throughout the comments here.

Here here for the arts! 🙂

By: Laura Brandenburg Mon, 13 Feb 2012 22:23:54 +0000 From a pure IT perspective, there’s an insightful overview of relevant IT skills employers are looking for from new grads recently published here:

By: Bob Savage Mon, 13 Feb 2012 14:32:55 +0000 I think someone doing undergraduate studies towards a career as a Business Analyst would be well served by studying Structuralism in some form. Though Structuralism has since fallen from favor, it was an intellectual strategy that cut across disciplines (Linguistics, Anthropology, Literary Theory, Psychology, etc.), by providing a useful perspective for any human inquiry: that the surface details of human cultural are insufficiently explanatory and one must look deeper to find meaning in the system as a whole.

This is a critical perspective for the Business Analyst who must be the one to resist looking at (for example) an individual report as just the report itself. Someone (possibly multiple actors) downstream is a consumer of the report, and it needs to be sufficient to enable their activities.
