Comments on: User Stories Versus Use Cases We'll Help You Start Your Business Analyst Career Wed, 17 Jan 2024 15:04:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Laura Brandenburg Wed, 06 Jun 2018 14:39:20 +0000 In reply to Sally Hopper.

Thanks for your input Sally. How I would actually apply use cases and user stories is going to be very dependent on the domain, project, skill set, and my responsibilities as the BA. Lots of options – the important thing is to be sure you are using your analytical skills to discover all the requirements and also communicating them in a way that both your business and technical stakeholders can understand and work from.

And yes, I mean use case descriptions, not use case diagrams.

By: Sally Hopper Tue, 05 Jun 2018 22:49:43 +0000 Great topic, and something I often try to explain to my project teams. You don’t actually explain how you use both use cases and user stories. Please could you try and make this a bit clearer?
It is also always good to distinguish between a use case diagram and the longer use case descriptions when talking about use cases. I am guessing you are talking about use case descriptions in this article.
I use use case diagrams to start with, and then, if doing agile, move to user stories and write these so that they eventually contain similar info as would be in a use case description.
It is helpful to explain that use cases come from uml (historically), and that user stories come from agile, and that the two don’t join up theoretically!
