Comments on: How to Protect the Emotional Investment You Make in Your BA Work We'll Help You Start Your Business Analyst Career Wed, 09 Nov 2022 22:06:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cindy Wed, 09 Nov 2022 22:06:38 +0000 Thanks Laura, excellent and relevant topic and I’m glad you shared your insights with us! I know the stress of BA or similar jobs can be very debilitating in life and work. When we’re in these uncomfortable situations we have the choice of either toughing it out in the hope that it will improve, or pivot and change projects or jobs. Your advice is a good way of managing anxiety and being able to better deal with the situation in a healthier more productive way.

By: Jeannie C. Thu, 03 Feb 2022 00:03:37 +0000 Hi Laura, I really enjoyed this content. I want to be more of a human “being” instead of a human “doing”. I sincerely appreciate these crucial reminders and tips to managing underlying anxiety as well as finding/keeping balance. Thank you!

By: Bonnie Wed, 02 Feb 2022 14:57:32 +0000 At the same time, you do need to find a way to maintain documentation of your achievements. If you are in an office politics situation, where your boss gets marched off the premises and you’re next because the new incoming boss has his own people, you will need to be able to a) tell a convincing story in your interviews, and b) remind yourself of the good you did. You need to vaccinate yourself against self-doubt.

It’s not at all uncommon for companies to use the trumped-up “suddenly stupid” and similar approaches to clear out people for office politics reasons who were actually strong performers. In addition to the severe financial and professional consequences of job loss, you deserve to preserve the good you did, both in interviews and in your mind. Some companies may have a “no-reference” policy (they claim) and others may treat you as the bad guy just to beat you down and get you out the door at the behest of the new manager.

I advocate measures like keeping a journal and getting your work samples and other records saved discretely offsite. Email trails are also good to have. Not to do anything illegal but to – in general terms – tell a convincing story of the very real benefit you can provide another company. Navigating transitions like this is a major skill for people in “employment at will” situations.

By: Morya Sat, 11 May 2019 20:59:39 +0000 Very well put Laura the 4 points can make you a better person on personal & professional scale as well.


By: Sarika Fri, 26 Apr 2019 11:38:43 +0000 Laura, I was nodding my head while reading all the points you have mentioned. You have truly described the scenarios so effectively and suggested the approaches beautifully. It feels good to know that the above areas are not just my personality traits but real problems. I specifically liked points #3 and 4.
Thanks very much for this article. Keep up the great work!
